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weapons & paranoia
I can't understand all this paranoia that would cause people to think
they need to pack a gun. I started hiking alone in the woods at age six.
These woods were remote back-country of Colorado. Some has since been
designated wilderness (although more people are there now, than then).
It was my job to take Dad's lunch up to the sawmill, about 2 miles away
from camp. Mom told me to stay on the road, but I would always take the
short-cut through the woods. I was never afraid, and encountered all
sorts of wild-life.
I became confident around the low-life human crowd at that time, too. My
Dad hired a lot of ex-cons, or potential cons to work at the sawmill.
They were all our neighbors in camp. Of course, they would never mess
with the boss' daughter. I never learned to mistrust people until my
I travel alone a lot, going to endurance rides and riding on training
rides in the back-country. I carry a cell phone, but often can't get
cell-service on the roads I travel.
I had a horse jump off a cliff 15 years ago. It was definitely scary,
but she was not hurt that bad and we walked out (this mare is now 25 yo).
If she'd been badly injured, I carry a small knife that would have taken
care of her.
I own 2 hunting rifles and a shot-gun given to me by my Dad. My son oils
them up now and then and puts them back in the closet. I never have felt
a need to pack a gun.
I love to play paint-ball wars. But, that's just fun and fantasy.
I suppose I should be worried about all you gun totin' paranoids out
there. But, I just can't bring myself to lower my thresh hold of
Linda Van Ceylon
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