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RE: RE: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures (Teddy's and Bob's questions)
We're submitting ideas to AERC and asking for analysis and input, so
hopefully, we'll have a decent plan by the convention. We came up with an
early idea for new structure, something of a jumping off point. Ideas are
evolving but I hadn't thought of the rates you suggest in your post. After
looking at the other groups and reading your post, in my mind I'm now
thinking that every riding, competing adult should pay the same fee,
whatever that is. For non-riding/competing adults, there could be an
associate membership. There should be a discount for juniors that should be
the same whether their families participate or not. I can't come up with
dollar figures until there's been some analysis. I don't think we'd lose
members this way and if we can reduce the individual rate, we stand a really
good chance of gaining members. I think it's time for all competing adults
to support our sport equally and all kids to get a break so they can
participate. Certainly, it's not too much to ask for a fair deal for all.
BTW, memberships in the other organizations I looked at have not decreased
because of their fee structure. Two of them boasted all time high
participation on their web sites. If you have any other membership
structure ideas, please pass them on to Glenda, Teresa, or me.
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