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Re: Awards Ceremony
Thank you Vicki! I was thinking that we needed to stop passing judgement on
others just because our way of life is different from theirs... There are
countries where it is impolite to talk of 'personal' things to someone you
don't know, yet in the SE (of the US) it is perfectly normal for the
waitress to ask about your family while she pours you a cup of Java. Would
we be offended if someone walked into the Met. in NYC topless? You can bet
you bootie that most folks would be! Yet there are some places where this
would be considered normal! The point of this is just to reiterate what
Vicki said - We can't judge others' and their reactions by OUR customs and
beliefs - at least not when WE are in THEIR country! Good sportsmanship is
built on tolerance, and regardless of what others do and say, we should
always do our best to project ourselves as good sportsman (and women ;-).
Okay, I'll climb down off my soapbox now...
Stephanie McCray
Golden, CO
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