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Re: Awards Ceremony
In a message dated 12/16/98 8:58:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, lbm@ici.net
<< I could be mistaken but I don't believe the UAE are Wahabi (and it
*isn't* the state supported species of Islam) and I don't think they are
quite as doctrinaire about the restrictions on women. >>
The local women that we saw in the UAE certainly had a high degree of
freedom--they dressed in everything from the traditional chaderi to out-and-
out western clothes, and were also conspicuous in several very public
jobs--approximately a third of the customs officers were women, some of the
airport security guards were women, etc. I would say that the majority wore
the long black outfits with scarves, but not veils--but likewise the majority
of men wore the long white traditional outfits, too. Basically, the garb is
comfortable and practical for the climate... Also, a fair number of the
locals attending the closing ceremonies were women, and they are not
segregated from the men. When Teddy and I visited Creek Park in the evening
before we flew out, many local couples were strolling together just as one
would see here (granted, not dripping all over each other as one sees here),
and several young families were out enjoying the night air. Actually, I found
the family atmosphere to be almost refreshing compared to some of what I see
here these days.
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