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[Fwd: Around the Mountain & mental conditioning]
Linda Flemmer wrote:
> B. Miskimmin/J. Curtis wrote:
> >
> > I tend to increase the volume of my "singing" where there is a chance of
> > running into bears on the trail.
> Just remember - you don't have to be faster than the bear you find - you
> just need to be faster than your riding partner!!!!!
> > Did those that offered the ideas once have a horse that was unmotivated
> > that did a 180 and became a wonderfully motivated endurance horse (even at
> > that dreaded 25/30 mi point) after "treatment"?
> My last mare eventually picked up on the whole idea of "Miles & miles of
> miles & miles". If only I could have told her how far we were going
> that day in words. (I think she picked up on that by the pace we tended
> to set. (Further = more conservative in our book).) She became
> enthusiastic with experience. She started out refusing to leave vet
> checks, even those "away" on the trail vs back at camp. Over time she
> developed the attitude that there was always somebody ahead to catch up
> with, even if you couldn't see them just then.
> My current gelding hasn't got the miles yet to have turned that corner.
> He usually droops on the last loop without another horse along, but I
> always have that song handy :-)
> > Also, if you stop singing, do they stop running?
> NOT A CHANCE - they need to get as far away as possible before it starts
> up again! Realistically, they like rhythm. Ask anyone who
> rides to music. The horse will regulate their gait to the beat of the
> music, even to changing gaits from trot to canter when you go from 4
> beat to 3 beat music. I've got rhythm, just no voice and a vast
> repertoire of insipid girl scout songs from my distant past. I can
> threaten my husband by saying I'll sing them on long car trips.
> Anyone got a walkman for a horse? I suspect that John Phillip Sousa
> would inspire them more than my singing. :-) My husband would
> certainly be happier!
> Linda Flemmer
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