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Re: ROC tapes
I have had quite a few people ask about ROC tapes. I love mine and have
'89 and '92 ROC. Darolyn Butler puts these out thru a company called
The Horseman's Video. 21415 Cypresswood Drive, Humble Texas
77338--1-713-446-7232 or 1-800-228-8768. I am not sure if this is
current but the ROC tapes are set to music as riders take off and you
follow lead riders thru the race and vet checks, music builds toward the
finish. It captures the beautiful scenry and all the excitement.
Like I said for saddr symptoms watch one of these tapes atop your
saddle-saddle rack in front of the TV, with snow flying outside and
you'll feel alot better.
If you are going to be at the convention, you can usually find an
assortment of these tapes there. The Tevis tape I have is the national
geographic docu done 2 years ago. Linda
Linda Eisele & Sareei and
hubby, Allen & LS Iceman
& the young LS Lakota
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