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Re: ride fees
Johnna said:
>Total..............................$$$$568.00 per show!!!!
>Now all of these fees are if you own your own horse, only you!!! If someone
>else owns the horse they also have to be members. You also can not take
>another horse to the show grounds without paying fees.
>I know this looks like alot and it is, I was showing 5-8 times a year with my
>horse and believe me.....I WILL NEVER complain about rider fees for
>I am just happy to be away from all the dressage scene. Please if you think
>endurance is costly please look above, puts things in perspective.
I have a good friend who's wife and daughter were in the "A" circuit jumper
shows in the NW. We were talking about expenses one day and I asked him
how much it cost him for the shows. His answer? For a local (Seattle
area) long weekend show, the expense was about $2000!!
And NO, I won't complain either about endurance fees -- I'm also glad to be
away from the dressage show scene...which was cheaper than the jumper
circuit but still pretty expensive.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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