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re: can horses pick their ration?

> If horses can pick & choose what is best for their current needs, then
> why did my old mare refuse to drink at rides until she was already a C
> for hydration (skin, mucous membranes, jugular refill)?  She was given
> every opportunity.  Did she know best?

this is part of the problem, of course.  yes, she knew best.  she needed
more ELECTROLYTES in order to be able to drink.  

if she was e'lyte depleted and drank, she would dilute the e'lytes in
her blood, and throw off the balance - this leads to such electrical
disturbances as thumps.  

keep in mind that an electrolyte has an electrical charge, and all kinds
of things in the body's homeostasis depend on there being sufficient
saturation of e'lytes.  

that's why we PREload electrolytes and continue supplying them during
stress.  they need to be there to induce thirstiness early on, so the
horse will drink to prevent dehydration.  that's the flaw in the old
NATRC rule - by the time the horse's e'lytes are depleted you've already
lost ground, and the recovery you get may be too little too late.

Abby Bloxsom
and three REALLY fuzzy guys who are wondering who turned on the heat in

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