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re:limited distance endurance
> The only problem I see when you have experienced, knowledgable people
> racing at 25 miles it's hard (for ride managers) to explain to newcomers
> (whose horses don't appear to be conditioned) why THEY shouldn't do it.
> There's always 1 or 2 who take the attitude "we're just trying to keep
> them from beating our friends" etc.& they'll show us. Sure enough they
> take off at a 12-15 mph (or faster) pace. If they have a good,
> naturalathlete, they'll pass the first vet check. Sometimes even the
> finish exam. Then, all of a sudden the adrenaline wears off & they have
> a horse that doesn't feel so good & really should be treated.
This is one of the reasons that ECTRA has never allowed 25 mile
"endurance" events. The CTR format works SO well under 50 miles that
most of us feel little need to go outside it as a training ride.
Abby B
who loves CTRs
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