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Re: PROBIOTICS-shelf life
I had the same concerns about the Fast Track and it's shelf life. I asked
my vet and he said that it is not even activated until it reaches moisture.
He had a word for that.... can't remember what it is. I have to ask my
biologist husband, or perhaps someone else knows. At any rate, he said it
has an extremely long shelf life, as long as it is kept dry. Doesn't
Reactivate until reaching the stomach of the horse.
For those of you who say that it has a short shelf life and loses it's
potency, how did you come to know this? Genuinely curious and while I adore
and respect my veterinarian... nobody's is perfect ;)
Susan Swope
SE Region
Nagzarus Farm
-----Original Message-----
From: Potato RICHARDSON <potator@hotmail.com>
To: Beverly540@aol.com <Beverly540@aol.com>; Equihealth@aol.com
<Equihealth@aol.com>; csabe@servicepaper.com <csabe@servicepaper.com>
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Wednesday, December 02, 1998 11:47 PM
Subject: PROBIOTICS on Potato's
>I agree Dyna-Pro by Dynamite is great stuff I use it alot, during
>competitions and especially when hauling long distances.
>However, I prefer to use a product by Herbalife called Aloe for myself
>it is very good for digestive problems like ulcers etc.
>>From: "Cathy Sabe" <csabe@servicepaper.com>
>>To: <Beverly540@aol.com>, <Equihealth@aol.com>
>>Cc: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: Re: PROBIOTICS
>>Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 08:25:24 -0800
>>Hi all, having noticed the posts on probiotics I suppose I'll toss in
>my two
>>cents...I've tried Fast Track and the Dynamite Dyna-Pro. Both are
>>excellent products. I however prefer the Dyna-Pro for several reasons.
>>Dyna-Pro comes in a liquid form available in various sizes, I purchase
>it by
>>the half-gallon and it lasts a very long time. I keep it in a climate
>>controlled area. I've had excellent results with it, mixes well with
>>electrolytes and is so simple to measure, just a squirt on my horses
>feed is
>>usually all that is necessary. I have also used it myself!! I get a
>>case of race jitters and my gut would "shut down" during a ride. I
>>mixing a squirt before the ride and at the half-way point in my tea or
>>gatorade and it really helped. I also give it to my kids when they
>>intestinal trouble, as the liquid is virtually undetectable in juice or
>>It has been very economical for me so far, as a bottle usually lasts up
>to 4
>>months with regular use on 4 horses.
>>Happy Trails, Cathy.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Beverly540@aol.com <Beverly540@aol.com>
>>To: Equihealth@aol.com <Equihealth@aol.com>
>>Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Date: Wednesday, December 02, 1998 8:09 AM
>>Subject: Re: PROBIOTICS
>>>>The only problem with Fast Track in the bags is the VERY SHORT SHELF
>>>>3 weeks was it's best effort the last time I tested a bag. After than
>>>>BIG losses in numbers.
>>> If the Fast Track is put in a bucket with a lid will it last
>>>Bev Schlegel
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