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Re: UMECRA competitives when are they??

I'll take it upon myself to answer for Louise.  In the past the competitive
rides were all on Sundays and the endurance on Saturday.  Recently it has
changed.  Most rides have added a competitive 25 or 30 on Saturday afternoon
starting at 1 or 2 PM.  Some endurance riders ride a 50 in the morning and a
25 in the afternoon and another competitive on Sunday.  Some rides have
events on 3 days.  For example Diamond Lil's 8th annual Last Ride had the
following schedule:
Friday: 60 endurance, first day 120 two day endurance, 35 competitive, first
day 3 day 100 mile competitive
Saturday: 60 endurance, second day 120 2 day endurance, 30 mile competitive,
second day 3 day 100 competitive, first day 2 day 65 competitive.
Sunday: 35 mile competitive, third day 3 day 100 competitive, second day 2
day 65 competitive.

Ed Hauser
Sisu Farm
1140 37th St.
Hudson, WI 54016
(715) 386-0465

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