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Re: REHR letter to Pres. Frazier

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998 14:02:06 -0800, "Joan Ruprecht"
<> wrote:

>  He asks what would our local club do were AERC to become insolvent? If my local club can no longer put on sanctioned rides because of financial constraints, our club will no longer longer care if AERC is solvent or insolvent. We will no longer be associated with AERC, we will no longer contribute the $711 in fees that we paid AERC last year and our riders that remain faithful to AERC wii have to travel hundreds of miles out of the area to find sanctioned rides.  This attitude and response makes me very sad.  I felt as if he believes we are a small minority and we don't really matter in the big AERC picture. What is most important to AERC is MONEY in their pocket! Too bad for myself, my local club and the sport.

It is indeed a sad commentary if the members of an organization cannot
provide sufficient support to maintain its solvency, and it must
instead resort to non-member fees.  Sadder still that it is the ride
managers, the true backbone of the sport, who bear the real burden.


Joe Long     Business    Personal

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