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REHR letter to Pres. Frazier

Dear Ridecampers;  Some of you have been interested enough to comment on my letter to President Frazier. This letter voiced my concerns regarding AERC's new $10 non member/day member fees for LD riders. In the Nov. EN Dr. Frazier asked the question "Do you believe that a non-member fee is the make-it-or-break-it factor as to whether someone enters a ride?" After attending my local Redwood Empire Endurance Riders monthly meeting where we had a heated discussion regarding this issue I decided to write our President Dr. Frazier. We concluded at this meeting that this new fee would definitely be a factor on the number of riders entering the four rides that we put on each year. I voiced my own and the club's concern that we barely remain solvent each year. We have even  discussed dropping one of our rides that we've put on for 20 years because of the lack of entries.                         
  I also asked him what those who in his words "are not members of AERC (but) pay a ten dollar membership" (EN, Nov. p4) get for their "membership."
  I have just received a 2 1/2 page response from Dr. Frazier. Basically, he said he knew the situation much better than I or my clubs members because he has had the "the opportunity each year to attend rides nearly from coast to coast and border to border." (underline added sinceDr. Frazier has a total of 50 AERC miles as of the 1997 yearbook. Our four highest mileage riders in our inexperienced local club have a total of 62,145 that is sixty two thousand one hundred and forty five!)
  He argues that given the amount of money people have already spent for their horses, equipment, etc., $10 can't be of any great concern. Unfortunately, Dr. Frazier does not understand the elementary but significant point that these costs are what is called sunk and therefore irrelevant for current decisions, such as, shall I spend x dollars for the upcoming ride.
  He asks what would our local club do were AERC to become insolvent? If my local club can no longer put on sanctioned rides because of financial constraints, our club will no longer longer care if AERC is solvent or insolvent. We will no longer be associated with AERC, we will no longer contribute the $711 in fees that we paid AERC last year and our riders that remain faithful to AERC wii have to travel hundreds of miles out of the area to find sanctioned rides.  This attitude and response makes me very sad.  I felt as if he believes we are a small minority and we don't really matter in the big AERC picture. What is most important to AERC is MONEY in their pocket! Too bad for myself, my local club and the sport.
  He concludes his letter by stating that "you are correct, however, in that I do have to ride inexpensive horses and with poor shoe jobs in order to pay my telephone bill and the postage on correspondence for AERC business." So if you want to write President Frazier, include a self addressed stamped envelop.

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