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Is this what Y'all think?
Guys, this is one of the scariest thing I've read yet on this listserve!!!
I have never talked to ANYONE around here that thinks this way and we have
MANY LD riders!
Do y'all agree with this?
Louise Burton, CT Region
Randy Eiland wrote:
<<<<Where I believe many people are missing the real point of this issue is
by looking at our LD Rides in the old traditional way.. as "novice rides"
used only as an introduction to "real endurance". I think what we are
actually seeing is an evolution, like it or not, of recognizing and
accepting the "25 to 35" mile distance as *just another sanctioned
endurance distance, lumped together with 50's, 75's & 100's as sanctioned
AERC distances*. I know many of our more traditional members don't like
this, but that is the reality of the issue. One more reason I was and am
against the proposed LD Bylaws change. If I am right in the above
analysis, then the "fun rides" become a very important adjunct to
sanctioned endurance rides...especially in areas with few riders. These
"fun rides" will be the new form of our old LD rides.
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians
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