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Re: Probably my last response on LD
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998 11:27:12 -0700, renegade12@juno.com (Randy H
Eiland) wrote:
>Of course, if your are right and the required membership for LD is a
>complete disaster, since it was a new rule passed by the Board and not a
>Bylaw, it can easily be rescinded by the Board. Another reason to not
>approve the Bylaw Change..btw. we will know today if that passed or not.
I hope it doesn't take "complete disaster" for the Board to realize
it's mistake and correct it! Of course, I don't think anyone expects
a "complete disaster," just that a short-term boost in cashflow is
likely to have some nasty long-term consequences for the sport. It's
like eating your seed corn; your belly is full for the time being but
your future is at risk.
>Most AERC Members don't get plaques or awards since the goals for most of
>our membership is having fun, enjoying both the trails and the
>camaraderie. It is a small percentage of our membership that are
>competing solely for the "awards"... rather, nearly all are competing for
>the "rewards" of a successful completion, happy horse, and great memories
>of good trails shared with both good friends and good horses.
Yes, and it's the ride managers who provide that. AERC provides a
magazine, a co-ordinated calendar, some uniformity of rules, keeps
records and gives awards. And some intangibles as well, yes. But
there is a per-rider sanction fee (member or not) to cover the
per-rider-per-ride cost to AERC. The non-member fee is over and above
that and the non-member receives NOTHING EXTRA for it. In fact, as I
pointed out and you didn't dispute, the non-member receives less.
>There is no good argument to "non-members have not vote.."...that's kind
>of like saying that citizens of Mexico have no vote in the doings of the
>United States. If you want a say in AERC and its programs, etc, then you
>need to be a member and right now is the best time to join at a cost of
>only $48.75, thanks to SUNDOWNER TRAILERS, INC.
I agree that people who ride regularly should join AERC, but it is
their choice. No one suggested non-members should have a vote, but I
was pointing out that it's easy for an organization to add charges
onto people who have no say in those charges. It's tempting ... and
as has been pointed out, many organizations do it. That doesn't make
it right IMO. And it sure doesns't make it good business, a good
investment for the future!
BTW, I think I've found a solution to my own problem of the non-member
fees on LD riders making my ride not economically viable. I will hold
the ride, but I will only sanction a 50 mile ride with AERC. I will
set up a separate organization to hold a competitive trail ride and a
"fun" ride that happens to be at the same date and location. That
will eliminate all of the AERC fees for the short rides. And,
frankly, I think that will get me better attendance (as the cost to
the riders will be significantly less).
Joe Long
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