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Probably my last response on LD

Joe Long wrote in response to my post:

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 16:34:48 -0700, (Randy H
Eiland) wrote:

>You are missing the was the LD Committee, made up of LD
>riders, who came to the Board at midyear and asked for equal footing
>other AERC members...asked for Regional recognition, and more National
>recognition. The Board agreed to their requests, but that equality is a
>two way street.  If LD Riders are on equal footing with all other AERC
>members (and I think this is the right thing), then they must pay
>equally, too.  
(Joe's response to the above):

Randy, that only applies to members -- this fee is imposed on


Where I believe many people are missing the real point of this issue is
by looking at our LD Rides in the old traditional way.. as "novice rides"
used only as an introduction to "real endurance".  I think what we are
actually seeing is an evolution, like it or not, of recognizing and
accepting the "25 to 35" mile distance as *just another sanctioned
endurance distance, lumped together with 50's, 75's & 100's as sanctioned
AERC distances*.  I know many of our more traditional members don't like
this, but that is the reality of the issue.  One more reason I was and am
against the proposed LD Bylaws change.  If I am right in the above
analysis, then the "fun rides" become a very important adjunct to
sanctioned endurance rides...especially in areas with few riders.  These
"fun rides" will be the new form of our old LD rides.

Of course, if your are right and the required membership for LD is a
complete disaster, since it was a new rule passed by the Board and not a
Bylaw, it can easily be rescinded by the Board.  Another reason to not
approve the Bylaw Change..btw. we will know today if that passed or not.

in answer to the your following question/statement:

<<<I have never seen a ride that charges the same entry fee for the 25,
50, and 100 mile ride.  Have you?  Do you charge the same entry fee
for all distances?  Also, it is not true that riders of all distances
cost the ride
management the same.  Riders at shorter distances require less time
from the vets, for example, and vets are usually the highest expense.
One reason that no ride I ever heard of charges the same fee for all

No, I generally charge $46.00, $61.00, and $86.00 for those three
distances, although I absolutely believe it costs me exactly the same for
each distance.  The BLM fee is the same, my Vets are there for Friday
night thru Sunday morning, my awards cost the same, my camp fee is the
same, etc.  Plus, I have to send one of my Vets back to the finish to be
there for the LD riders who usually finish earlier than the longer
distances, so they do take equal time and present logistics problems.   
I can't think of any significant difference in cost between the

you also wrote:

<<<Not counting awards programs, maybe.  But it costs the AERC a lot LESS
for NON-members, as they don't award them patches, plaques,
medallions, etc.  So the AERC is charging non-members MORE for LESS.
Why?  Because the non-members have no vote to prevent it.  But even if
you think that's fair, the ride managers -- who are members -- get
hurt in the process.>>>

Most AERC Members don't get plaques or awards since the goals for most of
our membership is having fun, enjoying both the trails and the
camaraderie.  It is a small percentage of our membership that are
competing solely for the "awards"... rather, nearly all are competing for
the "rewards" of a successful completion, happy horse, and great memories
of good trails shared with both good friends and good horses.
There is no good argument to "non-members have not vote.."...that's kind
of like saying that citizens of Mexico have no vote in the doings of the
United States.  If you want a say in AERC and its programs, etc, then you
need to be a member and right now is the best time to join at a cost of
only $48.75, thanks to SUNDOWNER TRAILERS, INC. 
Randy Eiland

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