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Re: Carolina Ride
To repeat a quote (sort of) from an article a friend wrote in the Great Lakes
Distance Riding Association newsletter (credit Jan Kennedy who stole it from
somebody whose name I can't remember...)
"It's the company, not the competition!"
And that is so true...if it hadn't been for the PEOPLE who encouraged this
newbie and taught (actually continue to teach) me about the sport...I don't know
how I would have managed! I probably wouldn't feel so good about our 50 miler
attempt in which we finished last but in which we FINISHED! And I probably
wouldn't be so eager to try it again!!! NEXT year! :) (We did place 6th in
our first 25 LD and 3rd in the last 25 LD in October... there are rewards for
those of us who don't know any better and do stuff without wondering what if we
can't?). Anyway, enjoy the sport and your new friends... I think it must be a
lifelong addiction!
"McGee, Patricia" wrote:
> I want to thank everyone who helped this first time rider at the Carolina
> Ride. Leigh Preddy and her riding partner Faith were wonderful mentors. We
> had to stop because of a lameness in the shoulder--possibly a pull from the
> deep sand-- but it was a great experience. The people were super! Next
> year....
> Pat
> Patricia B. McGee
> Head Teaching Resources Center
> Joyner Library
> East Carolina University
> Greenville, NC 27858
> 252-328-0427 fax 252-328-4834
> mcgeep@mail.ecu.edu
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