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Re: Fwd: Helmets

Say, Angie, would you scrape up someone with a broken leg?  The helmet sure
didn't do anything to help prevent that!!!!

I, for one, would LOVE to have the honor of dying on trail (if need be).  It
is better than being a vegetable or being like Christopher Reeves.  If I
can't ride, I don't even want to BE here!!!

Oh, how about heat stroke?  I am one of those people who get heat stroke from
wearing a are still going to have to cart me off the trail, one
way or the other (or bury me where I lay).

It is still MY choice.  After all, MY wearing a seat belt does NOT save YOU
from being killed or maimed.

These kind of "protectionist" rules are designed to protect people from their
own ignorance. I'd rather take 5 years of dressage and acrobatic lessons to
learn how to fall and how to ride better than wear a helmet (and I
HAVE!!!)...and in more than 25 years and 6000 miles in competition, I have
NEVER been hurt (and I DO gallop horses)

Don't mandate our freedoms away from us...we are losing too much already.


Angela C. McGhee wrote:

> >I agree with Steve
> >I do not want to wear a helmet and never have and never needed to in
> >39 years
> >of riding horses.
> Hey, it's a free country....go for it. But if I'm in the middle of
> managing a ride and need to clean your brains off one of my
> you mind making a note on the entry form that I can finish figuring the
> BC scoring and the other zillion things I need to do before I go clean up
> that mess?
>  And by the way, will you make a living will that says there'll be no
> fund raisers to cover your medical bills?  I'm very happy to help out
> those in true need, but it's about all I can do to pay my own family's
> medical insurance...much less chip in for everyone else who believes in
> gambling.
> But like you said...your life is your own.  As far as I'm concerned,
> that's just that much more room for the rest of us. :-)
> Angie McGhee & Kaboot
> Wildwood, GA
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