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Good luck Jazon & friends!

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From: Kimberly Price (&Mystery the Morab) 

I'm inbetween computer accounts so am sending this as a "guest".  I'm still in west Marin, alive and well, so contact me for rides if you are out here!!  Here is my message which bounced back to me earlier this week:

I just wanted to wish good luck to all the horses, riders and support people heading to Dubai.  I wish all riders and horses the best of luck and health.
Jazon Wonder's great horse Mikie (Mila Repa) will be ridden by Neve Doran representing Mexico.  This will be the first time Mexico has been represented.  Neve's dad, Alfonso, will be riding Chuck Staley's horse, Bustor, from Williams,CA.  
Jazon and Eilidh Grant are also flying to the desert as support for this first time team.  We wish them all good health and success!  Buen Suertes, mis amigos!
Kimberly (& Mystery the Morab "Those guys are going where!?!  can I have their grain?")
Pt.Reyes, CA

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