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Poor Merchandise

It has happened to me, too, and several of my
neighbors.  BUT, DON'T GIVE UP!!!! You will only
be condoning their practices and letting them get
away with it.  I wrote to the CEO (forget who and
where as it was YEARS ago).  Say, I got IMMEDIATE
attention.  I still paid off my account and cut up
the card..never to shop there again.  After enough
people do this, maybe they will finally "see the
light" and change their practice.

Goods sold in the country (Wal-Mart a prime
offender) are often poorly made. Yet, those that
sell them EXPECT us to accept them!!!  Has anyone
noticed that Wal-Mart has changed it's return
policies from a few years ago? I think they were
getting too many returns.

 Because WE have allowed it to be being disgusted,
giving up and throwing the shoddy merchandise
away.  DON'T DO IT!!!!    Return it, replace it,
or get your money back.

We are being FLOODED with foreign-made
goods....WHY?  Because US Banks made big loans to
these countries who are not able to pay them, to MAKE MONEY to pay back the banks,
these countries are FLOODING the US with goods.
These CONTAINER LOADS arrive here full and MOST
leave here empty.  Talk about poor balance of

Bottom line, OUR US Government has set us up for

Remember, you usually get what you pay
for....Caveat Emptor.

Teddy Lancaster

Lynette Helgeson wrote:

>  I had a similar problem with Sears. We bought a
> microwave from them
> with a year warrenty. Shortly after we purchased
> the microwave it started
> to spark when in use. It just did it every once
> in a while, but it left burnt
> marks. When I took it in they looked at it and
> said nothing was wrong
> with it. Said that one of my kids probably left
> metal in it when it was running
> and not to do that. I tried to tell them that it
> had done it to me and there
> was NO METAL in it at the time. They told me
> again that there was nothing
> wrong with the microwave and they totally
> dismissed me. I took it back
> a second time and was told again that there was
> nothing wrong with the microwave and
> it had to be something we were doing wrong. I
> have had microwave for years and I
> was not doing anything wrong!
> Well, it finally sparked, blew and quit. It was
> a little more then a year old and I figured it
> would do not good to take it to them because
> they were so sure it was not their fault.
> So we bought another one, but not from Sears!
> And guess what, this one does not spark!
> Lynette Helgeson
> Patrick Allen wrote:
>>  Attention:
>> I had the displeasure of buying a New Sears
>> "Die-Hard Gold Battery" for my Ford P/U  On
>> 20Aug97.
>> In September of this year on the 18Sep98. The
>> truck would not start at 0315 in the morning
>> when I was attempting to leave for work. I had
>> to jump start the Truck.  When I got off work
>> I had to jump start it again.
>> I took my P/U to "Sears Automotive Center",
>> They check the battery and said that it was
>> almost dead, they recharged the battery.  They
>> did not even offer to replace the battery at
>> all.
>> This battery has a 94 Month Warranty and a 24
>> month Free replacement.!
>> I have been getting Jacked around by "SEARS"
>> for several months now.  And I feel that it's
>> time to let others Know what kind of warranty
>> forever that "SEARS" has.
>> In the past I have had great warranty
>> replacements or repairs from Sears,
>> It is plane and simple "Sears Chula Vista,
>> Ca."
>> Where the battery was purchased does not want
>> to HONOR the Warranty!!!

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