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RE: The real spongin' prize
[ Original Message from rides2far@juno.com sent: Monday, November 16, 1998
7:32 PM]
"Lynda, You are obviously in the wrong sport if you would take a
shabby $125,000 +perks over a trophy with a sponge in hand. We
endurance riders ride for the glory and bragging rights..."
Well, jeepers, Anj, wouldn't you brag -- just a lee-tle -- if
someone offered you $125,000 and a sponsorship to be their own personal
representative Sponge Warrior? I am crushed. It causes me a great deal of
pain, but I will admit you are more noble than I. Although word has been
leaked to me that Wal Mart is purchasing a 15-minute segment on "American
Gladiators" and that I am to be featured as a Sponge Warrior/Goddess (with
the possibility of a starring role to be offered in the next
action/adventure flick co-starring Harrison Ford in the upcoming year), I
often despair over the possibility that I may never acquire the heights of
glory you have reached through your years of braining tadpoles on those
Tennessee trails. Nevertheless, I have resolved to be mature about this and
will have my Girl Friday send you tickets so you may attend the premier of
my movie, tentatively entitled, "Sponge Wars -- The Epic." If you promise
to wear that hot pink sash thing with the acronym for "American Sponge
Superwoman" spelled out in sequins, I'll even seat you next to Marilyn
Manson and the Boy George Revival Cult. (P.S. -- Do you think we can talk
them into combining this with an AERC Convention?)
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