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Re: Carbon Monoxide Deaths
Hummmm, I assume it was NOT a living quarter built by the manufacturer.
Mine, and those who build reputable trailers, has a carbon monoxide detector,
a propnae leak detector and a smoke alarm.
Unfortunately, I let my dog sleep inside on cold night and if she farts
(don't laugh), it sets off the alarm. So does Kahloua (found out when I
spilled some).
hosp@mindspring.com wrote:
> I was just looking at the 6:00 news and a picture of a nice, Sooner
> Trailer caught my eye. A young couple with two small children were
> camping with their horses. It started to rain so in the middle of the
> night they closed the windows in the gooseneck portion of the living
> quarters. The children were sleeping elsewhere. When the children tried
> to wake their parents the next morning, they found them dead of carbon
> monoxide poisoning. Apparently they used a propane heater. Let this be a
> warning to all of us who sometime or another have done the same thing. It
> just gives me goosebumps to think of it. Julie Capaldi, South Carolina
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