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Re: President's message
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 19:12:37 EST
In a message dated 98-11-09 18:51:50 EST, rides2far@juno.com writes:
<< I had some problems with the Dane Frazier's message in this month's
Endurance News. Did anybody notice the quote,
"I drove there in a $30,000 truck pulling a $20,000 trailer containing
$5,000 worth of tack and $1,000 worth of horse with a $50 shoe job?
Seems to me there's some problems with priorities there. I drove to my
last ride in a borrowed van, pulling a $1,800 trailer, with a $5,000
horse (my recently upgraded appraisal) and a $80 shoe job. I don't think
we have the same priorities. :-) >>
This discussion reminds me of the hoards of admirers that flocked around
Christy Janzen and her then 8 yr old mare Tang after she came in a close
2nd (and took BC) at the Pan Am Championships in Bend last year. Questions
were flying on everything from what were the horse's bloodlines to the kind
of tack Christy used. Somebody asked what kind of saddle she used to which
Christy replied, "it's my disposable synthetic". Under the poly fleece
seat cover lies a beat up old western synthetic saddle that I would wager
Christy got second hand. She drives an old truck, has a rusty trailer, and
usually sleeps in a tent. But boy, does she have an eye for good
horseflesh!!! (and she has an incredibly supportive family). Priorities are
dead straight there.
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