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Re: President's message
>In a message dated 11/9/98 8:17:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, Merryben@aol.com
><< << 1 paragraph in Randy Eilands column against the issue. >>
> I'm sorry I did not make this clear sooner. I also voted against the 0-49
> rule.
> Maryben Stover
> West Region Director >>
>Randy makes a very good point - that it is probably unwise to make this issue
>a by-law. Having it a by-law makes it so much harder to change if it does
>solve the problem we are trying to correct. Personally, I don't like the
>of considering anything under 50 miles an LD ride. This is an issue fraught
>with problems. I'm voting against a change and prefer to keep LD as it is
>currently defined.
I also voted against the change. I thought I was the only one, I'm glad to
see that others feel the same way.
I did not, however, like that fact that when we received the ballots and
voting information it seemed to be very one sided. It was as if somebody
wanted us to vote a certain way and that was that. I'm sure that most
members will vote one way only because they do not completely understand
the issue or because of how it has been presented to them in the ballots
and in EN.
Angie, I also agree with you on your original statement regarding the
President's Message. Glad to see people voicing their opinions. Maybe
they should have you edit some of the info put into endurance news and that
would possibly stop them from irritating so many of us each and every
Happy Trails,
in Gardnerville
West Region #14149
& Dream Weaver, 2255 miles
& Rocky, 700...or something like that....hmmmmm
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