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leaving on a jet plane
Hello fellow ridecampers. Thank you for all your well wishes for our trip to
the WEC in Dubai. We leave on Nov. 17 via KLM with a stop over in Amsterdam.
Unfortunately the horses have to stay there for 20 hours and the riders
continue without the horses. Three of our crew will be staying with the
horses, Mike Foss, Nancy Elliott, and Danielle Kanavy. The horses are in
excellent hands, along with the shippers representatives who ship horses all
the time. They will be in holding stables and will all be fine, but I have to
say this is quite traumatic for me. We will continue to Dubai and await the
horses arrival. Gee thats going to be quite a nerve wracking wait. But we
will be fine and the early arrival at ride site will be to our benefit.
Its getting close.
I am taking with me all the advice that my fellow riders have given me thru
the years. This plus a truly incredible horse named Sam is what got me here.
I am proud to represent the US AERC . Once during a particularly long OD
Judy Van Meter told me the key to endurance is patience. I have to say i have
said to myself quite often during a ride "patience"
Patience and Sam will get me thru. See you all soon !!!
Patti and Sam
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