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Tevis Video

Notice; For your copy of the video send 10 bucks to the following:
>2910 Sliger Mine Rd.
>Greenwood, CA 95635
>Fax 530,885,9348
>Hurry because this is definitely a limited offer.
> Well I've got so many requests for a copy of the National Geo TV 
>on Tevis that I decided to make a few copies and send them out to 
>that requests them.   However, I can't sell them as I don't own that 
>I was just a participant.  Therefore I have decided to add a few
> of my own bits of info such as a view of "No hands bridge
>currently under renovation,  Perhaps the river crossing, and a few 
>other interesting shots.
> That would justify a small charge.  The cost (10 bucks total) is the
>same just more to see on it.   The hard part will be adding the
>shots but it will be fun!
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