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Re: WEG:Deep sand/High Humidity

I'm only passing along the information I heard from a reputable source,
Carl.  I wouldn't presume to pass judgements from on high, let alone
odds, on how well the team will do in comparison to other teams, but
that's just me.  I just think based on what little I've seen, they're
great horses and riders regardless of where they're from and they ALL
have my 100% support, FWIW.  It seems to me that they've all earned that
from *all* of us involved in this sport, at the very least.  A whole
bunch of them are going to be camping out at my place just before they
head for the airport and I consider it an honor and a privilege to have
anything to do with this terrific group of athletes.

Susan G

carl meyer wrote:
> Then if your right you can get 20 to 1 in Vegas or 10 to 1 from Meyer.
> That they will finish 1,2,3 and 4. I'll give you another bet that is
> that they won't beat the Australians at 10 to 1.Where do you think the
> Aussies train not at 7000ft.
> Carl

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