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Re: Too tall horse?
> Easy to mount and dismount
> Shorter distance to ground in case of an "emergency" dismount
> Don't hit as many spider webs
> Can go under more fallen trees without getting off
> Less string on your sponge
> Less grooming time
>PS This one needs Angie to comment
O.K. Here's my additions:
*You can get a good deal on a 6'6" trailer, since everybody wants'em 7'
tall now.
*If you get a 7' tall trailer, you can put in a loft for the hay.
*Short Arabs are cheaper, because everybody's hunting a 16 hand Arab.
*You won't be punished on Judgment day for claiming your 15'1" Arab was
16 hands.
*You don't have to have a step-ladder to get their picket line high
*You don't have to lift your saddle so high when you tack-on, tack-off,
tack-on, tack-off.
*He can't lift his nose out of reach when you're giving electrolytes.
*More fuel efficient.
*And my favorite: Because it's so darned fun to out-trot an Even-tor
type on one of their blasted elephants with something that they classify
as a pony.
Angie McGhee & Kaboot
Wildwood, GA
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