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Re: Sponge Off

> If the humidity ain't 85%
>then why carry a wet dirty sponge.

 Let me see here...I see it coming now...Truman demands humidity,
somebody out west will demand altitude...Jerry Fruth will demand we all
carry at least 210 lbs...Heidi will want our horses to be CMK
bred....Some will protest if there's cash involved...
Carlos will want it to be winner take all....Carl Meyer will demand it be
held on the flat...What to do?

So here's the deal.  I am declaring myself Grand Champion Sponger of the
Universe. This will be run like the World Heavyweight Boxing title. 
Prove yourself worthy and I'll consider taking you on.  Lynda Corry gets
first shot...since she was the first to challenge.  The rest of you hot
shot sponge slingers will just have to wait your chance.  

Angie McGhee & Kaboot
Wildwood, GA

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