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AERC rules and radios

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Bob Morris offered this rule as evidence of why a radio carried by a rider would be illegal

>Read Rule 6(k) Not having been paced >or prompted by an un-entered, with
>drawn or otherwise unauthorized >Vehicle, or a person other than an >enterant.

I think what this really shows is yet another poorly worded open to vast interpretation rule that has little to no meaning.

Under this rule, I would disqualify any rider who inquired of anyone including officials, spectators or pit crews as to the location of other riders competing in the event.

Also, I would allow a commpetitor to tote along an entire electronics shop and communicate with smoke signals if they so desired as long as the content of their communication was not proven to be in violation of rule 6(k) {good luck proving content of communications}.

Additionally, the rule seems to apply to prompting between non-enterants, so it appears a team of competitors using radios are allowed to prompt and pace under this rule.

Riders are prommpted throughout the event by various individuals, does anyone have any idea what the intent of this rule was designed to solve ?

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