ridecamp@endurance.net: re dew poisening (long)

re dew poisening (long)

paddi (seamstob@telusplanet.net)
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 21:19:08 -0700

I have been fighting scratches on my mare since April. Just get it cleaned up and its
Dr. Sean Archibald mixed me up a concoction with an anti fungal , anti inflamitory for
the swelling and I don't know what else.
The biggest thing to do is get the scabs off. As long as there is scabbing it doesn't go
I coated her foot in KY jelly because it is water soluable. Anything to greasy seems to
muck it up worse. I then wrapped her foot in flannel and a polo bandage. The next day
the scabs were all mushy and seemed to peel off without much problem. I then coated the
area with his mixture and rewrapped the leg. This morning I was impressed. Swelling down
to half and the skin looking pink and healthy.
I plan on using the med for at least a week after it is gone to insure it doesn't
I did try desidine but it only helped not cured.
I think wrapping the leg helps the most.
We have alot of clover in the pasture and I think that causes her flare up. She has 2
white socks but only gets it on the right leg.
email me privately if you want to know what is in the mixture. I will ask Sean for his
recipe (if it not an old family secret) and your vet could make some.

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