They're doing it that way here too. I didn't mean to imply they
weren't. So far in the polling, I think I may not be receiving all the
posts. One (at least) showed up at a friend's that I didn't have on my
server. Oh well, that's our little one-horse internet company.
I do have a LOT of replies printed out thus far. Some of you have
requested anonymity and I'll respect that. Glad to see some of you saw
the same things at the same rides I did though! One thing that does
bother me is the majority of respondents have complaints about the
present BC system as is. Most of the ones who are happy with the system
are the ones winning the awards! Well, are we surprised? It only makes
sense both ways. I think in our case with the local rides we'll just
have to speak up when we see a horse who clearly doesn't deserve the
award and hope management agrees to just not award BC.
Thanks and Good Night!, Nikki