ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: food

Re: food

Mon, 8 Sep 1997 14:06:25 -0400 (EDT)

The rides we have been to all have offered a veggie alternaitve of some kind.
It seems to us that to eliminate food entirely takes away a good part of the
fun and fellowship as it were. Indeed, when we have gone to rides that seemed
to be rathe spartan in nature food-wise, we dd not want to return - and
didn't. The majority of riders tend to want some substantial food after the
ride, and it appears that the current offerings at the rides we attend
address this preference. Our advice would be to bring your own food if what
is offered is unacceptable. Having 2 vegetarian daughters has not changed our
menus. They either come and bring a small dish of something they like or they
stay home. We understand each other in this respect. I for one have a lot of
respect for the ride managers who have mor ethan one item available at the
so so so

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