Normally I'm a 'lurker' as I don't endurance ride, just do long trail
rides and camp-outs, but your list is so very helpful in regards to info
on trail riding and just general info for the horse! Thanks for all the
stuff I've learned.
I've been following the threads re: saddles and have learned a lot.
(BTW, I ride Peruvians.) I have a 16" Wintect Aussie that I love but my
PP does not. He seems to have a tendency to stumble when I ride in it.
I am a 'heavyweight', and although he doesn't have dry spots or sore
spots, I have discontinued using it. I have tried an english saddle
that that my daughter owns and Blue does great in it - no stumbling. My
previous experience with Wintecs were very positive so I was surprised
that there is a problem with it. Any ideas? Thoughts? Obviously, I
now have a Wintec Aussie for sale! Thanks in advance
CyberHorse Farms