The moral of this story? Take a moment and pay attention to how you =
'are' in your body. We are not symmetrical creatures. We have 'sides' =
of our body which are stronger or weaker than the other side, be it =
front/back or lateral/medial. This creates an imbalance which affects =
how we are/move in any activity/position riding! And we all know =
that our imbalance affects the riding relationship with our horse (s) =
and thus their balance. (Try carrying an unevenly loaded backpack and =
notice how your body compensates...)
Here's some suggestions to help the awareness process start: notice how =
you stand (evenly?); notice what side (always) reaches out (to pick =
something up, open the door/cupboard...); what side (always) =
carries/holds things; work out? Work out at a gym? Get a =
trainer/friend/whomever to critique your form; stretch!; get a massage! =
(I know of a good massage therapist in the Seattle area :) ); ride =
bareback...and listen to what your body and balance tells you without =
the aid of a saddle and stirrups!
Ok that's enough for now. Have fun!
Susie & James (Hey, I want a massage!)
Redmond, Wa