ridecamp@endurance.net: LOJAK for Horses?

LOJAK for Horses?

Linda B. Merims (lbm@ici.net)
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 07:29:27 -0700 (PDT)

I am about to take up trucking my horse away from home to
the various Massachusetts State Forests to get longer trail loops.

However, if I fall off, my little guy does not hang around
even if there are other horses in the group, he just takes off
back down the trail in his best approximation of a way
home (often retracing his steps, but not always).

This makes me very nervous. The closest State Forest to me
is surrounded by very heavily traveled roads. If I fall off
and my guy does take off, I want the best chance of finding
him the quickest.

Which would seem to be to be some kind of a radio transmitter
attached to the saddle that would communicate with a receiver
I kept in a fanny pack. At best, the receiver would pick up both
direction and range. At minimum, I would want it to register
direction. In short, I seem to be wanting some kind of a
LOJAK for horses.

I've checked in Trail Blazer magazine. Nobody sells anything
like this. I've checked with the backpacking store. They
say that GPSs do not come in "two part" configurations. The
closest thing they know about is some kind of an Avalanche Finder
used by skiers to be found after an avalanche. To their knowledge
it is only sold in large ski stores out west, and to check with
a very large ski store who might be able to get their hands on one.
Radio Shack has nothing like this.

Anybody have any ideas about where to buy such a radio finder

Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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