Lots of curb bits are sold with a broken mouth piece -- like a snaffle
inside the mouth. When you pull on one rein with this bit, you are
clearly pulling the horse's head to that side. It is an effective
signalling device - not a torture device.
> So, I'm not saying curbs are bad, but have to be used with extreme care.
I agree that curb bits, like all bits, and martingales and tie-downs and
lots of other things, need to be used with care. However, I think that you
are forgetting that a curb bit puts pressure on the poll as well. When
you pull back on the reins with a curb bit with with a loose or no strap,
you are putting more pressure on the poll, pulling the horse's head down,
which can be useful in a nose-to-the-wind-runaway situation. (It can also
encourage bucking if you're not careful -- but of course you ARE being
I use a curb bit with broken sweet iron mouthpiece, short curved shanks,
and a very loose leather curb strap. On those rare occasions when I pull
back on the reins hard enough to engage the curb strap for "full effect",
it is because something has happened which caused my horse's brain to
disengage and his natural flight instinct to take over his body. As Suzy
(I think it was Suzy) said so well, when that happens, a little pain is
the only way to get the horse's attention back, to re-engage his brain
and his training. I consider the curb to be my "emergency brake" used
only in emergency situations -- when my horse's flight instict is putting
both of us in danger.
Glenda & Lakota