ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Vosals

Re: Vosals

DreamWeaver (karen@chaton.gardnerville.nv.us)
Thu, 07 Aug 1997 09:59:14 -0700

Hi Tracy:

Yep, I use a vosal. I really like them. They work great on one horse. I
put a piece of sheepskin on the nosepart in the summer time to keep it from
rubbing his ever so short summer hair off his face :-).

I find that I have plenty of control. I've never had trouble stopping or
turning. However, I do recommend to anybody considering using a vosal that
the horse they use it on be trained to neck rein well.

.>More or less than a mechanical hack? More than a sidepull?

I don't know..the only thing I ever rode Weaver in before was a plain old
rope halter. We did a whole season with that, then the little bugger got
too competetive and decided he could go downhill faster than "I" wanted him
to (but mom, I CAN go this fast, see......weeeeeeee).....so he is in a vosal
and we are doing the downhills at less than mach 5 speed :-).

I like the vosal for several reasons. It gives me all the control I need.
I consider it to be severe, especially in the wrong hands. Most of the
time, all you need for control is the reins moving gently on their necks.
It is also small and light, and does not interfere with their drinking and
eating. I ride with the chin part fairly loose...if it is any snugger then
when I give the slightest pull I am likely to get a sliding stop. (been
there, done that...it's kinda fun...if you want to do it) :^)

>Is whoa an option?

Definitely, and if you aren't careful you'll get too much whoa!

>And which is better (more control)....the rawhide chinstrap or the

I use the steel one that comes with it.

>Is this something that could be used on a fairly hot horse?

Try riding in an arena or controlled environment first. Can you borrow one
to try out? I have a vosal for my other horse, however, he does not do
well in it. This was in part due to a training (or rather, lack thereof)
issue. We have since fixed that problem and are now onto new ones <g>...and
I hope that someday we will possibly be able to go down the trail without a
bit, though for now I need the communication with him that the bit gives me.

Happy Trails,

in Gardnerville
& Weaver
& Rocky

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