ridecamp@endurance.net: Looking for an Endur. Prospect

Looking for an Endur. Prospect

Connie Hoge (pvtevt@msn.com)
Mon, 21 Jul 97 23:02:51 UT

Isn't this fun?!
I need help!

After much thought - am going to try yet again to find the mare for me.

1. Would prefer terms / or trade? But open -
2. Arab
3. 4-8 yrs. old
4. BIG feet, i.e. size 1
5. Good legs
6. Always forward, but thoughtful temperment
7. 14.2+ H
8. Prefer bay or chestnut w/ little white
8. WA or OR location best for transportation.

In other words, if any of you know anyone willing to part with the perfect
horse for a song - feel free to give me a call :-) 800-891-5119 days, or
email privately at: pvtevt@msn.com

No seriously - - -

Connie Hoge

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