> If you
>want to stop being a newbie, you need to stop asking silly questions about
>what people and horse's are wearing.
wow!! that seems like kind of a harsh statement - hope it wasn't intended
that way Kat.
Glenda, that's what these kinds of forums are for - asking all this stuff.
Obviously, others are worried about what the best "stuff" is or we wouldn't
have all these catalogs with all kinds of different pants, pads, saddles,
Asking a group like this is a great way to find out what's good and what's
not before going out and buying X item only to find out everyone else knows
it doesn't work. Just because some have figured out this by trial and error
what to do doesn't mean everyone else wants to.
bring along what you think you
>might need (Swiss army knife, chicago screws, and bailing twine have
>always been sufficient for me).
But if you have no concept of this being out on the trail for 5 hours you
don't know "what you think you might need" - that's the beauty of a forum
like this.
>If you want to learn to ride endurance...go DO it.
That's the way I operate also - trial by fire - others may want to do some
more data gathering before taking off down the trail
>And all the information in the world about what other people are doing is
>not going to keep you from being a newbie.
No but that info helps you feel like you are part of a group - which is
important to most people - even endurance riders:-)
>Stop asking questions and go do it...then the answers to some of the
>questions will be more meaningful.
No Glenda _don't_ stop asking these questions, please. Just because you are
the one voicing them doesn't mean anyone else isn't thinking the same thing.