The good news: I've been riding one of Marilyn's saddles pretty hard --
probably around 700 miles a year -- for about six years. I'm not terribly
diligent about taking care of stuff, and I ride in snow, downpours,
blistering sun, etc. (not necessarily by choice). The saddle has held up to
my benign neglect really well and has never needed to go back to her for
maintenance or repair.
The saddle was made for Salazar, who's stocky, dip-backed and almost
impossible to fit (Stonewall, Wintec and Orthoflex were disastrous -- SS
wasn't around then), and it had to go back for some readjustments. It also
fits Leah who's long and straight-backed ... I don't understand why it fits
both horses, but after the saddle woes I went through, I'm too grateful to
It's a very comfortable saddle and even has enough places to tie things
that it worked great for the Outlaw ride.
Marilyn's very reliable: if she says your saddle will get there on a
certain day, it'll be there, in my experience. If you call her, be prepared
to be on the phone a while ... :)
The down side: This is minor and probably won't apply to many. I'm about
5'10", weigh about 140 and most of my height is in my legs. The fenders
that came with Marilyn's saddle were brutal on the inside on my calves, so
I finally just took them off and was much more comfortable. For a while I
used fuzzy tubes on the stirrup "leathers," then, in a continuing effort
to streamline things, I abandoned those too. My socks get filthy, but I
have good contact with the horse.
I also found that the stirrups were too far forward, and I felt as if I
were constantly being pushed back against the cantle and was having to
fight for balance. I took off the leather cover (very easy: four screws and
peel it back), nervously drilled 1 new pilot hole, and moved the stirrup
hangers back about an inch. Much better! and I've been riding it happily
ever since.
Good luck with The Great Saddle Search.
Wynne Brown
Knoxville, Tennessee