Dear "almost' Ride Manager Jim Mitchell -
Please, for the sake of all other ride Managers who use public land DO NOT
let the BLM officials decision on your proposed ride stand. I have been
confronting the BLM over their determinations for at least five (5) years.
What an absurd answer. The BLM supposedly makes a decision on each Special
Use Permit. If they don't want mechanized or motorized racing that has
nothing to do with equines. Using it for one does not set a precedent for
other types of use. A representative for the Idaho Department of Lands rode
his motorcycle over a trail that had been used for a motorcycle race and
then had 80 horse's hooves over the same trail. He could see where the
motorcycles had cut a groove in a boggy spot but not where the horses had
Have you contacted your representatives in Congress? Please do so, send
them copies of all your correspondence. If you did not ask for specific data
, studies and comparable situations to back up the BLM's decision do so.
When the BLM answers your congressmen they will have to come up with some
rationale. This is how we deal with the BLM in southwestern Idaho,
involving our Senators and Representatives. You have many more than our
The BLM fabricates data and manipulates it to their advantage. I personally
feel they prefer to say No so they don't have to do anything. It is truly
our "COMMON LAND". Not the BLM's.
The Blue Ribbon Coalition is an organization of mainly motorized trail users
. They were the ones who lobbied the National Trails Fund Bill through
congress. They put out a monthly newsletter from Pocatello Id. They have
many E mail addresses. For Land Use issues like your's contact Adena Cook:
Arlene C. Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID