<< Does anyone have the results of the Old Dominion? I heard that Vallery
Kanavy won the 50, but what about the 100?
I am sure someone from the OD wll post results soon...here are SOME results:
1. JohnCrandall III (2nd year in a row)
2. Debi Gordon (her new mare)
3. Kevin Baird (2 seconds behind Debi) Brown R Fara
4. Carlos Crespo (Floridian!!!) OD Trophy, Best Vet Score!!!!!
5. Lori Hayward
6. & 7. Winkie and Matthew Mackay-Smith
10. Nancy Smart
No AERC BC awarded. High humidity but NO SUN (saved the day) No fast course
either. First horse in after midnight, BUT, earliest cloing time for McCoy's
Ford EVER!! (88 miles) at midnight. 30+ starters, 19 finishing..last one
shortly after 3 AM
GREAT RIDE!!! A TRUE endurance experience!!!