ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Size of Horse

Re: Size of Horse

Wed, 4 Jun 1997 15:52:35 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-06-04 13:51:17 EDT, you write:

<< My question is, is a horse this size capable of being competitive
carrying someone of my size, (135lb, 5'3") and not just being a finish
at the back kind of horse. Are there good 100 mile horses out there
that are this short? I'm not necessarily interested in "this" horse
but should I bother to look at the really little guys at all? My local
riding buddies all ride arabs in the 15.1-16 hand range that can
really cover ground and I'd eventually like to keep up with them.

Hope I get some input from you all.

Bonnie Snodgrass


Seems that most people think bigger is better. There are some GREAT SMALL
horses out there. I have seen many and ridden a few. Arabs seen to carry a
greater amount of weight for their own body weight than other breeds. I have
seen (and have some myself) horses that are smaller, yet have a really
reaching stride. Also, the less leg, the less stress to lower limbs..that is
why most people want "short" cannons...the muscle is from the knee up. below
the knee is all tendon, ligament which takes more stress the longer it is.
Also, larger horses have not only YOUR weight to carry around, but their
own...i.e. MORE stress, takes MORE energy to move MORE weight.

There are good big horses and good small horses. The proof is in the
performance. Ask Tom Ivers (tivers@aol.com) how to measure potential
performance or get his book. No matter what size the horse, the longer he can
maintain a lower heartrate at a constant spped, the better the athlete he
potentially is (VERY basic). Compare several horses thias was and you WILL
see a difference...yes, even in the unfit horse. The heart rate to try to
maintain is 140, I believe. So, if one horsecan canter a flat course for 5
miles staying at 140 and another starts to rise before 5 miles and they are
both relatively unfit, the first horse is the better one. Ask Tom for more
detail. It has been awhile since I read his book and I'm not sure I got all
the facts straight, but this is the general principle.


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