* certified professional with over 30 years experience instructing riders
* recipient of the American Riding Instructor Association's "Lifetime
equestrian background includes hunt seat, dressage study in Germany,
work with Sally Swift (Founder of Centered Riding) and other notable
professionals such as Linda Tellington-Jones, Mary Wanless, John Lyons,
Ostagaard, Denny Emerson and Majors Anders Lindgren.
* Endurance riders Donna have worked with include:
1) Valerie Kanavy , 1994 Individual Gold and 1996 Individual Silver
2)Danielle Kanavy, 1996 Individual Gold
3) Hanne Hollander, 10,900+ endurance miles
4) at least one member on each team at the 1995 N. American
5) and many, many others... Add Your Name to This List
Nov 1-2, 1997, that is a Saturday and Sunday.
8am to 5pm each day with one hour lunch
Near the Cleburne area. (South of Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas.)
Strictly limited to 24 participants. (for personal attention and
Only 10 of these can be riders with horses.
cost is $350 for riding participant and $100 for non-riding participant.
Please don't hesitate to e-mail (personally please), write or call for more
information. hm 817-558-7828, snail RR2 Box 536, Cleburne, Tx 76031
Semper Fi & The ShadowRat
Who are very Happy when Mom makes an effort to improve herself!