I read Endurance News and Trailblazer Magazine and talk to people and
ride and FINALLY I hear about the 100K "World" championship FEI race to
be held in Qatar in the end of November of 97'. How come our
international division of AERC isn't reporting and assisting the members
in this?
I was talking to Valerie Kanavy today about the 8 of us in ride & tie
that are coming to the east coast ride & tie race Nov. 2nd at the
Marriott Ranch in Virginia. She is going to help us get horses from
their ranch and other endurance riders in the area so that we don't have
to trailer (Duh!) from Calif. to the east coast. She happened to mention
the Biggest World Championship FEI race planned for Qatar this Nov.
Since it is FEI sanc. it is an "open" race but that there are qualifying
standards. Hello?
Do only special people get to know, plan and attend these special FEI
events? She mentioned that the Qataris' are helping Europeans coming to
the race with a $5,000 stipend for travel costs. Who is lobbying for
American's assistance or providing us with information??
She mentioned that our North American Ride and the Ireland pre-ride
event were both qualifying races for the Qatar 100K.
Would someone enlighten me if I am missing a contact or publication
about these sorts of things?
What does anyone else know? Please contact me.
Steve Shaw