ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: generic entry form

Re: generic entry form

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Thu, 29 May 1997 12:02:34 -0400

>In a message dated 97-05-29 00:43:52 EDT, you write:

> >>
>Tina: I have long thought this would be good for EVERY AERC ride. AERC has
>a standard disclaimer that most rides I go to use. This may be suitable
>everywhere...Someone in the :"legal" department could look into this, but it
>sure would be nice. It would also be nice to have directions "on-line"
> Sometimes I missplace mine or don't get on at all and at the last minute it
>is hard to get a hold of anybody.
>YES!!!, Teddy

According to the FL law the waver has to be specifically worded as defined
by the FL law. So in that case a generic waiver probably would not work,
but an additional waiver signed at sign in should be fine.


Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
Sarasota, FL

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