Let's see...4 sets of horse shoes. 4 endurance saddles. 4 horses to
train/condition. 4 sets of "travel clothes" for horses. 4 sets of
"endurance" quality riding clothes ( yes they are different) 4 horses on
"endurance diets"
Yes a break on the 3 daughters that ride would make a HUGE difference on who
I am able to bring! I could bring 1/2 of my 4-H group too!
Becky Hackworth
Try this out for expense...how about our hope of riding the Timberon next
month...all that stuff TIMES FIVE DAYS!!! Just can't do it with four full
I'd love to see 4-Hers getting involved. Someone told me the Pony Club has
an endurance chapter..Does anyone know about that?
Louise Burton
Bruce Burton
Jesse Burton
Amber Burton
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