ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Refunds
Re: Refunds
Thu, 29 May 1997 10:32:05 -0400 (EDT)
I have three juniors that would like to ride, but keeping up horses for all
of them, (besides the piano lessons, sports, etc.) is too big of a strain on
the checkbook (you mean you have to have money in the bank!), so we limit
each kid to a couple rides a year. I had two of them with me at Prineville
and we had a wonderful time. Wish we could do it more. My non-horsey
husband is tolerant, but gets testy about the financial burden. I really
appreciate the rides that offer a discount to jrs. I admire those families
that "bite the bullet" and manage to pay for a several jr. riders. How do
they do it?
Becky -when I work more, I can't find ride time!
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