ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: This really IS fun--Story - CFW Ride

Re: This really IS fun--Story - CFW Ride

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Tue, 27 May 97 21:09:26 PDT

REPLY TO 05/27/97 11:27 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: This really IS
fun--Story - CFW Ride

Congratulations Dorothy and Elly on your first 50!!! :))) The ride this
weekend (Sunday, May 24th) was really nice. The weather was beautiful on
Sunday, it was warm but not too hot and in spite of there being over 200
horses at this ride, everything seemed to go rather smoothly.

-Hey Karen, I was thinking of the ride this weekend. We would have
been there, but did the 3 day Bridge ride at Pt. Reyes, and had a
great time! More details! Who won CFW? Who got best condition?
What was the time on the 50? Oh, both my horses did all 3 days of
the Bridge ride with the Sportsaddles, with no problems.

Then we went thru the vet check. Well, almost....Rocky got pulled because
of the cut on his leg. Darn!! He was perfectly sound and it didn't bother
him one bit but the vet must have thought it could get worse so told us we
weren't going on <sigh>.

-Thats too bad-how did he do at the start with all the activity?

Completion awards for everybody were sweatshirts. You would be amazed at
the # of people crossing the finish line who ask what they look like. What
difference does it make what it looks like <vbg>; it's your's - here TAKE
IT!!! It's too darn hot to put one on and model it, though I'm sure Otis
would have done that if anybody had asked him to :). hehe

-Most important, WHAT COLOR were the sweatshirts this year????
-Karen S.
Happy Trails,

& Rocky 100 miles...still
& Weaver 700 miles :-)

To: ridecamp@endurance.net

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